Ever get stuck? We all do. Sometimes it’s simply because we are paralyzed by the need for perfection. Simon Sinek, author of Start with Why says that “progress is more important than perfection.” It sounds easy, but where do you begin?

Personally, it has taken me decades to grasp this concept – and I’m still learning. What I have discovered is that the key to forward momentum is to stop seeking perfection at the outset, and just get started.

The key to getting more from your business, more productivity, more personal power, and more inner peace lies in taking action in small, incremental steps. We don’t eat a pie in one bite, and we also don’t reach our goals by expecting perfect results every step of the way. Progress is made through starting, doing, measuring, learning, and adjusting.

Perfectionistic attitudes might stem from any number of obstacles:

  1. You’re afraid of making the wrong decision.
  2. You don’t know if you have ALL the data to make the right decision.
  3. You’ve made a mistake in this area before and are wary of going down the same path with the same mistakes.

While assessing the “what ifs” is a logical and important exercise, not doing anything as a result of that assessment can actually keep you in a non-action bubble or worse, send you backwards.

One Small Step at a Time

One element of a progress mentality says: Start small so you can finish big.

I was speaking with a business professional recently who was on a program to get healthy and exercise daily. On day one of her program, she had to exercise for one minute. Just one. On day two, that increased to two minutes, until she got to day 60, where she maintained a 60-minute daily workout after her 2-month habit had already been engrained in her mind and body. She said the first week was unnerving! She wanted to do so much more than a minute or two of exercise, but the goal was to take things in small steps in order to make progress. There was no fad diet or magical pill she could take to reach her goals. She had to do it one small step at a time.

Similarly, while some clients come to us thinking they have “the silver bullet” – that is, the marketing idea that’s going to make their company wildly successful – the reality is that a little planning up front, combined with small, agile sprints towards your company’s goals, is what actually moves the needle. There’s no fool-proof program and no guaranteed marketing campaign that will be the end-all, be-all. Taking one step at a time is the formula for success for many things in life, and for marketing in particular.

Knowing the Right Steps to Take

Our approach is to partner with companies so they know they have a trusted resource with the marketing and business acumen that enables us to have their back – helping them take the RIGHT steps towards achieving their goals. By starting with a big-picture strategy, and then implementing the right programs one step at a time, we lay the groundwork for a successful outcome.

We apply 90-day sprints to the programs that were prescribed by the marketing plan which enables us to execute with confidence, and then measure, review, analyze, and plan for next steps. This approach has generated business growth for our clients for over two decades because we’re always asking: how do we move the needle?

Grow or wither. Companies need to move the needle forward to advance. Our job is to accelerate business growth. By applying 90-day sprints, you avoid the trap of perfection and attain progress that achieves faster growth. If this is a journey that appeals to your growth-oriented nature, give us a call. Our team would be honored to apply our expertise and help bring your objectives to fruition.